Artistic coaches from Brassbandschool (NL), ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V., ROOTS &
ROUTES Netherlands and the Rheinische Musikschule Köln linked young people from different musical cultures in this project; urban dancers met violinists, rappers met trumpeters and drumline drummers.
“Drum & Brass – Connecting Identities through Bigband, Brass and HipHop” brought together 30 young musicians and dancers from Germany, the Netherlands and France for a creative exchange between Bigband, Marching Band and Hip-Hop.
One-week residencies in Rotterdam (31.10.-06.11.17) and Cologne (29.04.-06.05.18) culminated in a performance at Humboldtgymnasium Cologne on May 4, 2018, which not only impressed artistically, but also left very personal cultural experiences in participants and audience.
A ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne project in cooperation with ROOTS & ROUTES Netherlands, Brassbandschool Rotterdam (NL), Les Têtes de l ‘Art Marseille (FR), MJC Picaud Cannes (FR), Rheinische Musikschule Cologne, Humboldt-Gymnasium Cologne and Stadtjugendpfarramt Cologne. Funded by the program “Jonge Kunst” of Fonds Soziokultur and Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, and the Child and Youth Support Plan of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.