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Photo of RRCGN member Inge Hilbig
Photo © Janna Hadler

Inge Hilbig

What do you associate with RRCGN?


I had been a member of RRCGN for a couple of years because I saw the idea of young people from different countries in Europe coming together for a creative exchange of their artistic ideas and ambitions as a great realisation of the pan-European idea. And then came Baltrum: 14 days in cold November on the almost deserted island, where about 50 young people from 10 European countries with the most diverse artistic interests and talents wrestled with each other to set up a joint artistic project. Without going into detail: for me this was democracy in action! The young people exchanged ideas, worked hard, argued, came together, enjoyed their own work and produced a great whole that impressed me greatly. RRCGN – a great association, supported by equally great people!