14 young artists from the fields of dance and music took part in the project “LevelUp! training workshop for peer coaches in cultural education youth work“ from 30 October to 3 November 2017. There was input from professionals from Cologne, the Netherlands and Mali.
After a warm-up with RRCGN’s long-time vocal and performance coach Jimi Renfro, Elten Kiene kicked things off: Kiene, who developed and still curates/coordinates the successful poetry event series “Woorden worden Zinnen” throughout the Netherlands, gave the participants impressions of working in cultural event management; and took everyone on “The Hero’s Journey” – an approach to coaching artistic talent.
Then the group was divided: For the dance participants, there was an advanced training day with Sabine Lindlar (Cologne) and a masterclass with Lloyd Marengo (Rotterdam; awarded the Gieskes-Strijbis Podiumprijs in 2017). After a training day with Markus “Be” Brachtendorf (Cologne), the music participants could look forward to a masterclass with Luka Guindo from Mali, which RRCGN organised in cooperation with the Offene Jazz Haus Schule Köln; the resulting song “An de be Fela (Mali – Cologne)” is linked below.
Finally, there was again joint coaching of the group on the topic of finances and self-management with Philipp Godart (Cologne).
Whoever would like to book the young dance and music coaches for projects in youth work and schools is welcome to contact Janna Hadler: janna@rrcgn.de
Other The ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach Academy Projects
Statements from Participants
Moritz Bussinger
My first time at ROOTS & ROUTES was the Peer Coach Academy 2016. At that…