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The R&R Peer Coach Academy 2021

5th - 16th of July 2021

After a four-year break, the ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach Academy finally took place again in 2021 – this time as part of the project “iJuLa – intersectional YouthLabs in Cologne”. 20 young artists took part in the block seminar phase in Heek.

Photo © Aileen Wessely

You are 16 to 27 years old? Making music, dancing, making movies or graffiti is your thing? You enjoy passing on your skills to others? For example in workshops in youth centers or at schools? Then the ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach Academy is the right place for you!

The ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach Training consists of three parts:

  1. The actual Peer Coach Academy: A 12-day block phase with overnight stay, in the rooms of the Landesmusikakademie NRW in Heek-Nienborg;
  2. A supervised practice phase with at least 60 self-directed hours;
  3. a final reflection weekend.

Whoever has successfully gone through these three parts, receives the ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach certificate recognized by all members of the international ROOTS & ROUTES network. In 2021, for the first time, there was also the possibility to additionally obtain the juleica (youth leader card recognized throughout Germany) – for this, an additional external first aid course must be attended.

20 young artists from Cologne and the surrounding area took part in the ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach Academy 2021, including 10 from the youth curatorship in the iJuLa project. In addition to the RRCGN team, the team of coaches included Winston Errol Scholsberg (Public Speaking Architect, The Hague/NL), Daniela Rodriguez-Romero (Dance/Cologne), Erik Schmittmann and Heidi Platz (Visual Arts/Düsseldorf), Markus Brachtendorf and Johannes da-Costa (Music/Cologne), and Marcel Panne as well as Heiko Walter (Media/Cologne).

More info on the ROOTS & ROUTES peer coach training




News on the ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach Academy

Statements from participants


The ROOTS & ROUTES Peer Coach Academy 2021 was funded by the program “Democracy live!” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the DOHLE Foundation, the Fund Socioculture from the program “NEUSTART CULTURE” of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) and the German Postcode Lottery.