Urban Art and Media Exchange
17.–29. August 2015
With the support of professional coaches, young media artists from 7 countries dealt with the topic of “war, peace and media” in interdisciplinary and international small groups.
Photo © Aileen Wessely
Young media artists from seven countries took a creative approach and dealt with the topic “war, peace and media” in transdisciplinary and international teams. They were supported by professional coaches, could participate in workshops and could hold workshops themselves. The films and media artworks were presented in the context of the 24Hz Festival.
Conny Beißler, Ioannis Mihailidis, Heiko Walter, Marcel Panne, Tim Slobbe, Anne Siegel
Mehregan Behrouz, Aileen Wessely, Markus „Marek“ Kauert, Golshan Fallahi, Mohammad Basiri, Laura Wilking, Laura Böger, Janna Hadler, Sascha Düx
Inge Hilbig, Dena Abdulahi, Gabi Linde, Johannes „J-JD“ da-Costa, Caroline Stolpe, Horst Hadler, Niklas Josten, Benjamin Goebel, Mariam Hajou, Meikel Müller, Philipp „Mowy“ Mundt
Special thanks to Fotostudio Victor Dahmen, Ford, SKM Köln, Lucky’s Haus Köln, Florian Mimm, Evangelisches Jugendpfarramt Köln, Medienzentrale des Erzbistums Köln, Foodsharing Köln, Kino Odeon Köln, Hostel Weltempfänger, Cologne Sound Technologies, Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld, Kinderoper Köln, LOS! Agentur für Kulturmedien, Pfarrer Dieter Katernberg, Konrad Bohley, Jan Schneider, Jimi Renfro, Claudia Düx, Alexander Maas, Walter Noll, Ruth Klevinghaus, Kölner Künstler Theater.
Statements from Participants
The Urban Art and Media Exchange 2015 – War and Peace was funded by the EU programme ERASMUS+ (programme Youth in Action) as well as by the children and youth support plan by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and supported by the City of Cologne.
Partners of Urban Art and Media Exchange were: Stichting ROOTS & ROUTES (Rotterdam/Netherlands), Brouhaha International (Liverpool/UK), EuroEst Youth Foundation (Bucharest/Romania), SMouTh (Larisa/Greece), Associazione Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Florence/Italy) and Kaunas Cultural Center of Various Nations (Lithuania).