OASES: Professionals information evening and project presentation
After 20 years in the international youth encounter work we…
February 21st until 4th of March
Re-designing Wor(l)ds (RDW22) is an international youth exchange project bringing together 31 young people from urban and rural areas of Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Italy, to jointly reflect on socio-political issues that concern them deeply, with a specific focus on the effects of the pandemic on the development of their means and possibilities.
The many virtual inputs brought by the suddenly accelerated digital transition need to find an embodiment, an elaboration of new ways to be present in the digital dimension without losing the body, the senses, the perception of oneself as part of a living community.
The workshop included various activities: reflections and work on the chosen topics, interdisciplinary workshops between movement, sound and visual art, moments of group creation.
On Thursday, March 3rd at 6.00 pm, the results of this path were presented to the public in the form of a site-specific action in the spaces of Performance Art Research Center – PARC.
Artistic and pedagogical coordinators were Susannah Iheme (movement/gesture/dance), Conny Beißler (media) and Maximien Aldebert (music production), with the collaboration of Marina Arienzale (performance art and photography), Andrea Lovo (sound/music) and Olga Pavlenko (visual art), and a masterclass by art critic and curator Petro Gaglianò.
After 20 years in the international youth encounter work we…
more on transnational partnerships
statements from participants
My first ROOTS & ROUTES Experience was in 2016 and since then, I couldn’t get…
ROOTS & ROUTES has been one of the greatest connectors that allowed me to enjoy…
Before coming to ROOTS & ROUTES I didn’t know anyone in Cologne
Re-designing Wor(l)ds was the second of the six pilot projects planned as part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership OASES for Change. Organising Artistic Self-Empowerment Spaces (2021-2023).
Representatives from all 10 partners of the OASES project met in Florence for the final restitution of Re-designing Wor(l)ds, and on March 4 and 5 the second Transnational Partnership Meeting took place at PARC.