Music and Movies Connecting Countries
1st September 2021 – 31st December 2021
parallel running workshops with exchange elements. Young people in the cities of cologne and istanbul worked together beyond national borders in autumn 2021.
Foto: Filmstill from the Videodocumentation of Blues Derneği
The Hip-Hop Network in cologne-nippes has been established 20 years ago. For the project “Music and Movies Connecting Countries” (MMCC21) – a cooperation between Blues Derneği Istanbul and ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (#RRCGN) – parallel and cooperating workshops were held within the network in Autumn of 2021.
Both workshops ended with a publication of their respective documentation that premiered at the “Online-Abschlussjam 2021” Event.
more local projects
Music and Movies Connecting Countries (#MMCC21) was a cooperation between Blues Derneği Istanbul and ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (#RRCGN).
Funded by the german-turkish youthbridge.