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Local projects

... in and around Cologne ...

Although RRCGN has a focus on international exchange work, it is also permanently active in local projects in Cologne and the surrounding area. Step1 projects are aimed at young people who want to take their first steps in trying out an art form.

Photo: Stefphane „Stuggi“ Loria

Whether dance, theater, music, graffiti or even acrobatics: in our local projects, every young person can find an exciting activity.

Our association ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (RRCGN) has long offered projects mainly in blocks; including both international encounters and workshop weeks on site, sometimes projects over several weekends: Sometimes at the TanzFaktur Köln, sometimes at the Bürgerzentrum Alte Feuerwache, sometimes at cooperating youth centers or schools.


Since 2021, with the iJuLa space, we have been having our very first own space for artistic-cultural-pedagogical activities; what happens there cannot be found on this page, but on the iJuLa project page.
Every year we are active in the Hip-Hop-Network Nippes, in each year’s autumn break we cooperate with the KREA youth club in the workshop week “ROOTS & ROUTES goes Bergisch Gladbach” with dance, music, graffiti and film workshops. In various projects under the federal program “Kultur macht stark – Bündnisse für Bildung” we offer dance, theater, music and acrobatics projects together with different cooperation partners.


Many of our local projects are open to all interested young people as Step1s; some, such as the “Street to Stage” project series (artistic direction: Daniela Rodriguez and Bahar Gökten of the nutrospektif collective), are also aimed at young artists who are already taking their first steps toward professionalization.


News from our local projects


Our local projects are funded by a wide variety of sponsors, from the federal program “Kultur macht stark – Bündnisse für Bildung” to the child and youth development plan of the state of NRW to the DOHLE Foundation and district funds. The basic funding of the city of Cologne for RRCGN as a specialized cultural education institution makes many of our local projects possible.